Wednesday 29 April 2020

Thankful Moves

Thankful Moves

Thankful Moves from Paula Bridget Johnson on Vimeo.

I was inspired by a dancer I saw on Facebook: Ikue Ueno. She shared a video of herself sitting in the park, doing some hand dancing to the thankful sounds at 7pm. After asking her if I could use her as inspiration, I decided to film myself for seven days moving to the thankful sounds on my patio.

I only ended up filming six days because I had so much video to edit and delete. I started with small moves, a lot of sitting, hands and arms. My moves got bigger over the six days. The sixth day I was on my feet the whole time.  

I imported my videos to iMovie and played around with making two of me and doing that in different ways. I sped some parts up and also tried reversing some parts of the video. I found the coolest moves happened on the bigger sounds. I deleted a lot. I exported it and brought it back into iMovie so I could make more of me. Then, I deleted some more. At first it is hard to delete moves… you want to keep everything… then I just chopped and chopped… my goal was to keep it at the five minute mark.